Integrate with G2

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G2 Reviews contain valuable feedback for your product. You can use this integration to pull all G2 Reviews into Productboard. Thanks to Productboard AI and other tools, you can do analysis on top of it, create Insights, or do a competitive analysis.

In this article:

Setting up the integration

You can begin setting up the G2 integration from your integrations page:

  1. Open your workspace dropdown by clicking your workspace name in the top left corner.
  2. Click integrations.
  3. Scroll down to the Customer feedback integrations section and select G2 Reviews.
  4. On the G2 Reviews integration page, click + Add integration in the top right corner. 
  5. In the Product name field, enter the URL for the page you want to pull reviews from. It should be formatted something like this: "".
  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 4-5 for each additional product you want gather reviews for.
Tip: You can add an integration for any product on G2, even if they aren't yours. Add the products of your competitors to run competitive analyses within Productboard.


Reviewing notes from G2

You can filter notes from G2 on any insights board by specifying the source in Filters for any other Insights integration.

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Star ratings

Reviews in G2 also contain a star rating. In Productboard, you can use it for filtering. Each Note from G2 has a star rating tag, which you can use for filtering. For example, you want to see only G2 reviews with a star rating of 4.5 or 5.

Frequently asked questions

When are reviews pulled into Productboard?

Reviews are pulled once a day. Please be patient after you set up integration—it can take up to 24 hours for notes to appear.

See also

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