How to forward emails into Productboard using Microsoft 365 Outlook

If your organization uses Microsoft 365 Outlook, follow these directions to establish an email address that anyone can use to send user feedback and requests straight to your Insights board.

Set up a new Contact Group

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

  1. On the Navigation bar, choose People.
  2. Select Home > New Contact Group.
  3. In the Contact Group box, type the name for the group.Screenshot_2022-03-23_at_15.47.05.png
  4. Select Contact Group > Add Members, and then select an option:
    • Select From Outlook Contacts.
    • Select From Address Book.
    • Select New E-mail Contact.
  5. Navigate to your productboard integration settings page. Under Email, copy the unique email address for forwarding input onto your workspace's Insights board.Productboard_2022-03-23_15-43-20.png
  6. Add people from your address book or contacts list, and choose OK. To select multiple people, hold down the Ctrl key as you choose members. People_-_Productboard_Test_-_Outlook_2022-03-23_15-46-06.png
  7. Choose Save & Close.

For more information on Microsoft Groups, see Microsoft Support

See also

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