Use insights automations to create triage rules

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The value of centralized customer feedback is only as good as the actionable insights you can extract from it in a sustainable way. The first step in this process is making sure that feedback is routed to its relevant audience. You can do this manually in one of two ways: you can assign an owner to the given note; or you can apply a tag to the note, typically to indicate a broader product domain (e.g. mobile-platform).

With larger volumes of feedback, however, your team may find it challenging to follow this manual process on a regular basis. Triaging each note individually can be a time-consuming and repetitive exercise.

Insights Automation brings a solution to this problem. It provides you with an easy-to-use automation engine, allowing admin Makers to set up simple rules to tag notes or assign them to the relevant owner based on the content and attributes of the given note.

No more manual triaging - just set up your rules and let Insights Automation do the routing for you!

Note: Essential plan customers have access to 2 automation rules. Pro plan customers have access to 10 automation rules. Enterprise and Enterprise Plus plan customers have unlimited automation rules.


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Relevant to both new and legacy boards

Accessing Insights Automation

Note: only Makers can access Insights Automation.

To access Insights Automations:

  • Click on the workspace name, then Insights Automations (Insights_automation_thunder.svg) :

    nav to insights automation.jpg

  • On the Insights Automations (Insights_automation_thunder.svg) page, you will see a list containing all the automation rules that were created within your workspace:

insights auto.jpg

Creating new rules

Note: only admin Makers can create and edit rules. Editor Makers can visit the list of rules and the rule detail pages, but they don’t have permission to make any changes.

If you would like to create a new rule or modify an existing one, but you have no admin rights, please contact one of the admins in your workspace.
  • To set up a new rule, click on the New rule button in the upper right corner:


  • This will take you to the rule creation page, where you can name your automation and set its conditions:

    New auto rule.jpg

You can start by giving a title for your automation rule. This should be a few words describing the main purpose of the rule so that others in your space can easily understand it. For example, you can use: Notes for Mobile Team or Tagging common UX issues.

Optionally, you can provide more details about the rule in the description field.

After naming the rule, you'll set its conditions. 


In this step, you can select the event that triggers the given rule.

You can choose to run the rule when the note is created; this includes manually created notes and notes created from integrations.

This means that the rule will be applied to all new notes created in your space after the rule was set up successfully.

Note: Manually created notes will be processed within 24 hours after their creation to give you enough time to finish these notes.




In this step, you select the conditions for your rule. Conditions act as filters for your notes, so you can control which subset of notes you wish to run the automation.

For instance, you may wish to set up a rule that assigns the note to the Mobile PM in your team if the given note comes with a mobile tag from one of your integrations or if the note has mobile-related keywords in the content (eg. iOS, Android, tablet).


These are the available filters and what operators and terms they use:



You can find out more about how filtering operators work here.

Filtering Terms




Tag.svg Tags




  • OR logic (any of these tags)
  • AND logic (all of these tags)
  • NOT logic (none of these tags).

You can select available tags

Glyph.svg Topic

  • OR logic (any of these topics)
  • AND logic (all of these topics)
  • NOT logic (none of these topics).

You can select among all automatically detected topics

content.svg Title 

content.svg Content

  • OR logic (contains any of these keywords)
  • AND logic (contains all of these keywords)
  • NOT logic (contains none of these keywords).
You can enter multiple words or phrases, separated by a comma.
Integration.svg Source
  • OR logic (any of these sources)
  • NOT logic (none of these sources).

You can select the following sources:


Optionally, you can also add more than one condition. If you want to filter multiple filter types at once, just click on Add condition.

For instance, you may want to create a rule that is applied when a note’s title contains sales call AND the content contains any of the words machine learning, automation, NLP. To do this, you can add two conditions and set the logical operator as AND between them.


Once you set up the conditions, it’s time to define the outcomes of the rules: the actions that are executed when the given note matches the conditions.

You can select from two options:

  • Assign owner. Choose this if you wish to directly route the matching notes to a specific person within your organization. By default, notes already assigned to an owner will be skipped. You can always opt out of covering assigned notes; however, opting out will result in re-assigning notes coming from Portal or other integrations. 
  • Add tag. Select this if you would like to categorize the matching notes with tags. This can be a handy way to indicate product domain (platform-team), content theme (performance, usability), or content type (interview, research note, sales call).

You can also combine multiple actions together (e.g. you can apply tags to the note AND route it to the relevant PM in a single rule). To do this, click on the Add action button.

Once you have completed this last step, click on Create automation to finish the setup.


Text Matching Logic

  • Text enclosed in quotation marks (" ") will show results for an exact match. If text is used without quotation marks, it will show results for an exact match as well as prefixed matches (e.g., key matches 'key' as well as 'keyless' but not 'onekey').

  • Matching is not case-sensitive, and adding quotations does not enforce case-sensitiveness
  • Using spaces after a comma in lists is irrelevant (using “dog, cat, rabbit” will show the same result as using ”dog, cat, rabbit”)
  • Wildcards (using * or % operators) are not supported at this time

Managing rules

On the Insights Automation page, each rule has a title, the creation date, and the creator indicated.

You have various options to edit and manage your rules.

Note: All Makers can visit the rule detail page, but only admin Makers can make changes to the rules. This includes editing, pausing, and re-ordering the rules.


Editing rules

You can click on any of the rules to access the rule detail page.

Here, you can change the conditions and the actions for the given rule.

Changing existing rules may be necessary for various reasons:

  • You may wish to update the conditions to include different or more terms. For instance, you may want to update a note content-based filter and add new terms you have identified as relevant.
  • You may wish to route the notes to a different person due to changes in product domain ownership within your organization.

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Pausing rules

The toggle on the right side of each rule shows whether the given rule is currently active or not.

You can pause rules in two ways:

  • You can switch the toggle to paused state.
  • You can click on the context menu which appears next to the toggle and select Pause.

Paused rules won’t apply to your new notes. This does not affect notes that matched the rule while the rule was active.

If you re-enable the rule, by using the toggle or the context menu’s Resume option, it will start to be run against all new notes from that point in time.

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Executing rules

The order of the rules is important: when a rule is triggered (a new note is created), the rules are run in the sequence from the topmost rule to the rule on the bottom.

It may happen that a note matches more than one rule, in which case all of the matching rules will be applied to the note in the sequence defined by the ordering of the rules.


For example, let’s say you have three rules in the following order:

  • Rule 1: Tag UX issues which looks at keywords in  content.svg Content (UX issue, usability, UX problem) and applies the tag ux_issue to the note.
  • Rule 2: Tag Performance issues which looks at keywords in content.svg Content (slow, loading, performance, lagging) and applies the tag performance to the note.
  • Rule 3: Assign to Mobile PM which looks at keywords in content.svg Content(mobile, iOS, Android) and assigns the note to John Doe.

Let’s assume a new note comes in which has the following sentence in the content:

I noticed that on Android the app has loads of usability problems and the performance is just extremely slow.

This note would match all three rules. As the outcome, the following would happen:

  • The note gets tagged with ux_issue
  • The note gets tagged with performance
  • The note gets assigned to John Doe as owner.

Conflicting rules

If you have multiple rules, you might run into a conflicting case where the note matches two or more rules that assign different owners.

As an example, say we have the following rules in this order.

  • Rule 1 assigns owner John
  • Rule 2 assigns owner Jane
  • Rule 3 assigns owner Julia

In this case, if a note matches all three of these, the rules will be executed in this order. As a rule, can only have one owner assigned, the end result will be that the note is assigned to Julia - as that rule was on the bottom.


Note: In the above example, only the last assigned owner will be notified via email notifications.

Re-ordering rules

By default, rules are listed in the order of their creation, with the latest rules added to the bottom and the oldest rules on the top. 

You can change the order of rules in two ways:

  • Hover over the rule and from the appearing context menu, select Move Up or Move Down.
  • You can also drag and drop individual rules and move them around that way.

Changing the order of rules can be useful to resolve issues around potentially conflicting rules.

For instance, following the example above, if you wanted to assign the note to John instead of Julia, you can move down Rule A to the bottom of the list. This will ensure John will be the final owner in case of conflicting notes.


Debugging problems

If you encounter unexpected actions being executed on notes - for instance, you see notes being assigned to you and you don’t know the reason - the easiest way to try to debug the cause of these problems is to take a look at the activity log at the bottom of the notes.

You will be able to see all owner assignments that were performed by automation along with the name of the rule. You can then visit the Insights Automation page in Settings and edit the rule or modify the order of the rules as you see fit. If you don’t have admin rights, you will need to ask one of your admin colleagues to help you make the corrective changes.



Can I apply the Insights Automation rules historically?
Currently, that's not possible. When you set up a new rule, it will only take effect on new notes created after setting up the given rule. If you would like to apply a rule to your historical notes, you can use the same filters you set up as conditions and then apply bulk actions for tagging and/or assigning owners.
Can I preview the scope of the Insights automation rule before finalizing it?
There is no option to preview the scope of the automation within the rule creation flow. However, if you want to check which notes match your conditions, you can replicate the selected conditions with regular filtering on the insights board. If you’re happy with the subset of notes, you can feel more confident creating the given rule.
What happens if data selected as a condition or action is removed from the automation?
  • It can happen that you set up a condition based on tags and the given tag is deleted from your workspace. Alternatively, it may occur that your rule assigns an owner to a person who is no longer a member of your space.

  • In any of these cases, we will keep the rule running, but these rules will be flagged for your attention. You will be able to view these rules in the rule list marked with a distinct warning sign. You can then visit the rule detail page and modify the conditions or actions if you deem them necessary.

  • In case a rule is trying to assign a removed owner, this action will be skipped and the owner of the note will not be affected. These skipped actions, however, will be recorded and visible on the note activity log.
Why can't I access Insights Automation and create a new automation rule?
Only Makers can access this feature and only Makers with admin rights can create new rules or modify them.
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