Filter the Insights board to find relevant feedback

V12 4:24 Start+.svg


Applying filters on the Insights board lets you narrow down specific topics to find the relevant feedback you need right away.

In this article:

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

Applying filters on the Insights board

On the Insights board:

  • Click on the Filter icon (filters.svg)
  • Select the filter category you'd like to show (you can choose different categories):

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All the filters you apply will appear in the header of the Insights board. For each filter, you can see the options or values you selected.

In the example below, we decided to show all notes with any chosen tags and containing any words listed except the word desktop.


If you consistently apply the same filters, you can create Insights boards to group related notes so that they can be routed to the right product manager and turned into actionable insights faster and at scale.

Understanding how Filters work

It's essential to understand how filters work together to surface relevant results.

The table below shows how different filter categories work and how results are filtered when applying multiple filters on the Insights board. 

Hierarchy.svg Hierarchy 

User-1.svg Users

Companies.svg Companies

Segment-1.svg Segment

Integration.svg Source

poll_black_24dp.svg Survey

status.svg Status

ownedby.svg Owned by

processedby.svg Processed by

createdby.svg Created by

followedby.svg Followed By

insightimportance.svg Insight importance 

favorite_black_18dp.svg Sentiment

With these filters, you can:

  • Show notes that contain any of the values selected.

Tag.svg Tags

topics.svg Topics

content.svg Title 

title.svg Content

With these filters, you can:

  • Show notes that contain all values selected.
  • Show notes that contain any of the values selected.
  • Show notes that don't include the values you selected or typed.

date.svg Date created

This filter allows you to select a time range within which you created the notes. 

Applying multiple filters

If you select multiple filters, you'll see all the notes with the values you selected for the first filter and the values you chose for the other filter categories.

For example, if you choose to display notes tagged mobile and with source Zendesk, you'll only see notes with the mobile tag coming from Zendesk.

You won't see notes that are only tagged mobile but don't come from Zendesk.


List of filters

Below you can find a list of all the filter categories available. To learn more about a specific filter, click on the category name. 


Hierarchy.svg Hierarchy

Filter for notes containing one or more insights linked to a specific area of your product. The example pictured would include all insights related to the selected component as well as its underlying features.

This filter makes it easier to stay on top of recent insights your colleagues have linked to your product area. (Try combining it with the Processed by the filter to review those notes colleagues may have processed for you.)

Beyond examining the insights themselves, you can provide feedback to colleagues on how best to tag and link similar insights in the future.


Tag.svg Tags

Filter based on the Tags you apply to notes.

When filtering by Tags, you can search tags in the search bar or select the tags you see in the list. You can choose the following options:

  • All of the selected - you'd see the notes that have all the chosen tags.
  • Any of the selected (default) - you'd see notes that have one or more of the tags selected. 
  • None of the selected - you'd only see insights that don't have any of the tags you selected. 
Any of the selected All of the selected None of the selected
4_-_any_of_the_selected.png 5_-_all_the_selected.png 6_-_none_of_the_selected.png


topics.svg Topics

You can see a list of all smart topics detected in your workspace with their total note counts. Smart topics are sorted by the volume of related notes.

When filtering by Topics, you can search topics in the search bar or select the topics you see in the list. You can choose the following options:

  • All of the selected - you'd see the notes that have all the chosen topics.
  • Any of the selected (default) - you'd see notes that have one or more of the topics selected.
  • None of the selected - you'd only see insights that don't have any of the selected topics.

Once you select a certain smart topic, it’s moved to the top of the filter list.

Note: The note count represents the total volume of notes that are related to the smart topic. The number does not change dynamically based on the selected filters.

title.svg Title | content.svg Content

Filters based on text contained, or not contained, within a note's title or description.

Wildcard search for keywords

When filtering by Title or Content, you can use single words or phrases separated by commas. The filters use a wildcard search, so it will also find variations for the keywords you enter. 

For example, if you search for the word bug, you'll also find matches with the words bugs or buggy.

Wildcard search for phrases

When you search for a phrase, we will do a wildcard search on the last word of the phrase as you typed it. So if you search for UX issues, you'll get results for UX issue, but not UX and UI issues.

If you want to search for an exact keyword or phrase, you can use quotation marks. So, in this case, you'd search for: "bugs" to see results that display bugs only.

For these filter categories, you can choose the following options:

  • Contains any of these - the filter will show notes containing any of the keywords or phrases you entered.
  • Contains all of these - the filter will show only notes containing all of the keywords or phrases you entered.
  • Contains none of these  - the filter lets you exclude the keywords or phrases you enter. If you enter multiple keywords or phrases to exclude, you will not see notes including any of these keywords or phrases.


User-1.svg Users | Companies.svg Companies

Filter based on the Users who created the note or Companies associated with the note.

You can also display notes that don't have a user or company associated with them by selecting Unassigned.

If you check multiple users or companies, you'll see notes created by either the users or companies you selected.

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Segment-1.svg Segment

Filter notes based on a company segment. Suppose you created a dynamic user segment for all of your EMEA-based technology customers. In that case, you could apply a filter to see only notes from users or companies belonging to that segment.

You can choose multiple segments, and the results will display notes that belong to either of the segments you selected. 


ownedby.svg Owned by | processedby.svg Processed by | createdby.svg Created by | followedby.svg Followed By

With these filters, you can filter by:

  • ownedby.svg Owned by - the user who has the note assigned to them.
  • processedby.svg Processed by - the user who marked the note as processed.
  • createdby.svg Created by - the user who created the note.
  • followedby.svg Followed By - the followers who are following the note. 

All the filters give you the option to select teams or members.

If you select multiple members or teams, you'll see all notes with either of the members or teams associated with them.


Integration.svg Source

Filter by the source of the insight note. With this filter, you can choose to display only notes coming from the sources you select. 


poll_black_24dp.svg Survey

Filter notes based on survey campaigns. This filter contains all the survey campaigns that are imported from SatisMeter. You can apply the filter to only see those notes that belong to the selected survey campaign and have all the responses collected in a note view.


favorite_black_18dp.svg Sentiment

Filter notes based on automatically detected sentiment. Once a new piece of feedback is imported or manually created in Productboard, our machine-learning model analyses the text and detects whether it contains positive, negative, or neutral sentiment.

You can combine the sentiment filter with other filters. For instance, you can zoom into positive feedback relevant to a specific smart topic or segment collected in the last 90 days.

Note: To determine if you have access to the sentiment feature, review the Productboard Pricing page for more details. 

insightimportance.svg Insight importance

Filter notes based on characteristics of the highlighted insights they contain.

  • Critical — Notes that have one or more insights with a critical importance value
  • Important — Notes that have one or more insights with an important importance value
  • Nice-to-have — Notes that have one or more insights with a nice to have importance value
  • Unknown — Notes that have at least one insight, but none with an importance value set
  • Notes without insights

status.svg Status

Filter based on note status.

For example, you can define custom Insights boards by incorporating the unprocessed status filter with other types of filters when defining a collection.

  • Processed
  • Unprocessed
  • Archived


date.svg Date created

On the Insights board, you can filter notes by their creation date. You can choose among the predefined time ranges, or you can set a custom one.

You can choose among the following predefined time ranges: all time, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 90 days, and last 12 months.


See also:

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