As new insights are linked to existing ideas, it often becomes clear that the insights linked to a given component, feature, or subfeature actually represent several distinct needs.
Other times, you might find that, when releasing a new feature, some of the linked insights represent needs that won't be addressed until future iterations.
In cases like these it's helpful to quickly re-link many insights from one entity to another—either by moving the insights or copying them to an additional entity.
Re-linking insights
- Click on a feature to open its detail sidebar.
- Switch to the Insights tab.
- Select one or more insights using the checkboxes, then choose one of the three options below...
- Use the Move option to unlink your selected insights from this feature and link them to a new one.
- Use Link to another item to add a link to a different entity without unlinking from the currently-selected entity.
- Use Unlink to remove these insights from this entity without relinking them to another.
- If you chose to Move or Link to another item, you'll then have to select which entity you'd like to move or relink your selection to.