Custom roles allow you to govern which members can create, edit or delete the master data you use throughout your Productboard workspace. This helps you more closely map your workspace members' roles in Productboard to their responsibilities in your organization.
You can now create new maker roles and define how they interact with Productboard to fit your organizational structure and internal processes. Roles can always be updated from the Members page but may affect how much you pay. We'll let you know if so.
Note: Custom roles require an Enterprise+ plan. If you're on a regular Enterprise plan, please contact your account team to discuss upgrading.
In this article:
- Pricing and impacted seats
- What can be customized?
- Creating a custom role
- Defining a custom role
- Reviewing roles
- Assigning a member to a role
- Custom roles with SCIM
- Entity action definitions
- See also
Pricing and impacted seats
Before now, Productboard had four “out of the box” base roles:
- Admin (paid)
- Maker (paid)
- Contributor (unpaid)
- Viewer (unpaid)
You can now create custom roles, which are an instance of maker seat.
Note: Sharing a board with a maker will also share it with anyone that is assigned a custom role.
What can be customized?
You can now define a custom role, which is a variation of the maker role. You can give custom roles their own names and remove certain capabilities from them. The capabilities you can restrict are:
- The creation of certain data fields.
- The editing of certain data fields.
- The deletion of certain data fields.
The data field types that can be restricted in the above ways are:
Objectives | Key results | Initiatives | Products | Companies |
Users | Custom fields | Drivers & scores | Release groups | Releases |
Segments | Tasks | Tags |
Note: SSO/SAML updates to leverage custom roles are not included.
Creating a custom role
Only admins can create custom roles.
To create a custom role:
- Open the workspace dropdown in the top left of your workspace.
- Click Roles.
- Click Create custom role to begin defining a new one.
Note: There is currently no limitation on the number of roles that can be created.
Defining a custom role
To define a custom role, first give it a name, then select its capabilities on the Data table. By default, the role will be able to create, edit, and delete all data field types. Simply uncheck a box to prevent the role from being able to create, edit, or delete that row's data field type.
Once you’ve given the role a name and defined the capabilities of the role, click Create to complete the process.
Example: In the below image, the Engineering Manager role cannot create, edit, or delete objectives, but they can create initiatives and have full rights for key results.
Reviewing roles
Once you’ve created a role, it will appear on the Roles page. From here, you can see all the custom roles you’ve created, along with how many members have been assigned each role.
You can click on a role to review and edit its capabilities. When editing an existing role, you can either discard your changes or save them. You can also click the ••• More actions button to delete the custom role.
Note: You can also edit the default Maker role. This is great if, for example, you want admins to be the only members who can create and delete products, but you still need makers to be able to edit them.
Reviewing roles as a non-admin
Even non-admins can click on roles to review them, though they can't make any changes. This allows them to see the definition of each role in your workspace, which can clarify to members what their role is and why they don’t have access to specific capabilities. For further clarity, the member will also see who created the role and when it was last updated.
Assigning a member to a role
Once you’ve created a custom role, you'll need to assign members to it.
To assign a custom role:
- Click your workspace name in the top left of your account, and then click Members.
- Click the button to the right of a member's name to open the role assignment dropdown.
- Update the role associated with a given member.
Note: You can actually create a new custom role from here too. Just click the + Plus button beside the Custom Roles section in the role assignment dropdown. Doing so will not automatically assign the new role to the originally-selected member.
You can also adjust a member's role from their Account info page. Click on the member's name, then update their Role field.
Custom roles with SCIM
After you've added your custom roles in Productboard, you can create a matching role in your identity provider with the same workflow used to configure Productboard’s base roles (admin, maker, contributor, and viewer). Click on an identity provider below to view linked instructions and screenshots.
Note: Custom role names are case sensitive. When creating custom roles in your identity provider, make sure to match their names exactly to the custom roles you created in Productboard.
For provisioning Okta SCIM: Setting up SCIM provisioning with Okta
For setting up the base roles: Configuring Productboard roles in Okta correctly
- The role name needs to follow this format: “maker_Case Sensitive Custom Role Name”, where maker_ is the base role for the custom role. Currently the only base role available is maker_, but other base roles (admin_, contributor_, viewer_) may be available in the future.
- The role name can include spaces. Include them in the string normally. For example, “maker_my new role” will work just fine.
For provisioning Microsoft Entra ID and setting up the base roles: Setting up SCIM provisioning with Azure AD
- The role name needs to follow this format: “maker_Case Sensitive Custom Role Name”, where maker_ is the base role for the custom role. Currently the only base role available is maker_, but other base roles (admin_, contributor_, viewer_) may be available in the future.
- The role name can include spaces. Include them in the string normally. For example, “maker_my new role” will work just fine.
If you've provisioned SCIM properly, you should now be able to assign custom roles from your identity provider and have them update in Productboard right away.
SCIM Troubleshooting
Here are some common failure responses that could be displayed in your identity provider and how to solve them:
Role with base role '%baseRole%' and custom role '%customRole%' was not found.
- Make sure the custom role is defined in Productboard.
- Make sure the role name in the identity provider follows the correct format of MAKER_customrolename.
- Make sure to use “MAKER” as the base role.
- If there are spaces in the custom role name, be sure to include them (i.e. “MAKER_my new role”).
Role '%baseRole%' is not a valid role.
- Make sure to use “MAKER” as the base role.
Member '%id%' was not found.
- Member is not found in the system. Contact Productboard support if error persists.
Entity action definitions
Here are precise definitions for each available restriction you can place on a custom role.
Entity | Create | Edit | Delete |
The ability to create a new objective. |
The ability to edit the attributes on an objective. |
The ability to delete the objective entirely. |
Key Result
The ability to create a new key result. |
The ability to edit the attributes on a key result. |
The ability to delete the key result entirely. |
The ability to create a new initiative. |
The ability to edit the attributes on a initiative. |
The ability to delete the initiative entirely. |
The ability to create a new product. |
The ability to edit the attributes on a product, as well as creating/editing/deleting the child entities of a product (component, feature, subfeature). |
The ability to delete the product entirely. |
Drivers & prioritization scores |
The ability to create a new driver or score. |
The ability to edit the driver name & description. You can still associate a driver with a product and comment on the driver. The ability to edit the prioritization score name, description, effort & driver(s). You can still associate a prioritization score with a product and comment on the prioritization score. |
The ability to delete the driver or prioritization score entirely. |
Release groups & releases | The ability to create a new release group. When deleting the release group all contained releases are deleted as well. | The ability to edit the release group name, and description, and add/edit/delete a new release within the Release group. You can still associate a release group with a product. | The ability to delete the release group entirely. |
Tasks | The ability to create a task. | The ability to edit the task name, and description, and add/edit/delete values on the task. You can still associate a task with a product and comment on the task. | The ability to delete a task. When deleting a task all contained values are deleted as well. |
Tags | The ability to create a new tag. | The ability to edit the tag name and description. Including the ability to merge a tag. | The ability to delete a tag. |
Custom fields | The ability to create a new custom field. | The ability to edit the custom field name and description, and add/edit/delete Values on the custom field (where applicable). You can still associate a custom field with a product and comment on the custom Field. | The ability to delete a custom field. |
Users |
The ability to create a new user. |
The ability to edit the attributes of a user. |
The ability to delete a user. |
Companies |
The ability to create a new company. |
The ability to edit the attributes of a company. |
The ability to delete a company. |
Segments |
The ability to create a new segment. |
The ability to edit a segment. |
The ability to delete a segment. |
See also
- Define roles of workspace members
- Setting up SCIM provisioning with Okta
- Configuring Productboard roles in Okta correctly
- Setting up SCIM provisioning with Azure AD
- Getting started as a maker and maker admin in Productboard
- Getting started as a contributor in Productboard
- Getting started as a viewer in Productboard