What happens when I deactivate a member in Productboard?

When you have deactivated a member from your Productboard workspace, there are a few things to be aware of and action in your workspace. 

After deactivation

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

When a member has been deactivated, they will still remain assigned the owner of any notes or features they were assigned to, but their profile will appear slightly greyed out. Hovering over these members will make it clear that they are deactivated.

A deactivated member assigned to a note A deactivated member assigned to feature
Deactivated_user_1.jpg Deact_feature.jpg

When a member has been deactivated, you will need to unassign or reassign any features and notes they were assigned the owner of previously. This can be done one by one or in bulk. 

Reassigning the owner

To update the owner:

  • Click on the current owner of the note and select either Unassign Owner to remove the owner or another name from the list to reassign the note to another member.

To bulk update the owner of multiple notes or features:

  • Select a range of notes or features by holding shift or selecting the checkboxes beside their name. In the notes sidebar.

  • Click on the current owner of the note/feature and select either Unassign Owner to remove the owner or another name from the list to reassign the note to another member.


See also:

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