What visibility of Productboard do our customers have?

When it comes to your customer's visibility of Productboard, they can see as much of Productboard as you provide them access to. 

Customers that are not members of your Productboard workspace only have visibility of public-facing portals, updates you make to portal cards, and publicly shared roadmaps. 

In this article:

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

Public-facing Portals

These are portals you have shared publicly or embedded through your website.


Updates to portal cards

You can post one or more timestamped updates to each portal card to keep users informed about a feature’s progress. Only users who have previously commented on that portal card will receive the update.

All other updates and changes to features, notes, roadmaps, and internal portals are not shared with the user.

Publicly shared roadmaps

Relevant to Legacy boards only

Certain roadmap types allow you to share them as a link or embed them within other pages.

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