Share your roadmaps with external stakeholders and customers

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Customers, prospects, and external stakeholders might request to have a more detailed look into your plans. This is why we recommend having approved customer-facing roadmaps to share with them.

By sharing or embedding your roadmaps, you can ensure that your most important stakeholders and customers are well informed and can help guide you to better outcomes.

In this article:

Relevant to Legacy boards only

Sharing roadmaps publicly

To share your roadmaps publicly, open your roadmap, and follow these steps:

  1. Click the Share button in the top navigation bar of your roadmap.
  2. Toggle on the option: share publicly. If you see Save instead of Share, make sure to click it first to apply any recent changes.
  3. Then, you can choose if you want to share a link (Copy link ) or get the embeddable code to embed your roadmap on an external platform (Copy Embed Code): (58) (1).gif


  • Any type of roadmap can be shared in this way.
  • The customer facing roadmap link is unique and different from your internal one.
  • You don’t need to republish changes but the shared link can take up to 15 minutes to update. 

Sharing restricted products

If you try to share a restricted product or feature on your customer-facing roadmap, we will show you a warning message. However, if you wish to still share the product, you can continue.


Add a password to your shared roadmaps

To add a password to your shared roadmap, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Share button in the top navigation bar of your roadmap.
  2. Toggle on the option to Share publically.
  3. Enter a password into the Password text box
  4. Continue to share with a link or copy the embed code


Note: This feature is only available on the Enterprise plan. Only admin makers or owners of roadmaps can enter and change passwords.

Embedding roadmaps

Embedding your roadmap is excellent for sharing a roadmap with customers on your website or with colleagues with access to an internal wiki.

1. Click Share in the top navigation bar of your roadmap.
2. Toggle on share publically.
3. Click the Copy embed code button (embed.svg) to copy the iframe embed code.

You can paste the link in any place that supports an iframe, and the viewers will be able to see and interact with your customer-facing roadmaps.

Embedding roadmaps in Notion

You can embed your customer-facing roadmap into your Notion articles. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. On any Notion page, click the plus (+) on the left-hand side.
  2. Click the Embed option.
  3. Paste the iframe link of your customer-facing roadmap. Your roadmap will appear, and you can resize it by dragging the edges:


Embedding roadmaps in Confluence

You can embed your customer-facing roadmap into your Confluence pages. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. In Productboard, copy your roadmap link by clicking (Copy link copy.svg).
  2. In Confluence, click the Insert button (+) at the top.
  3. Select the iframe option.
  4. Paste the Public Link of your customer-facing roadmap in the URL input box.
  5. Resize your roadmap by changing the width and height values.

You can also add iframes to pages by using Confluence apps like iFrames for Confluence.



  • Most changes on the internal roadmap are propagated to the shared roadmap by up to 15 minutes. 
  • Card Visualizations: For now, it is not possible to visualize card attributes on the consumer roadmap, such as tags, objective importance, teams, feature progress, status, and User Impact Score.
  • Multi-select fields are not yet available on publicly shared roadmaps.
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