Push initiatives to Jira

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Initiatives can now be pushed from Productboard to Jira and some fields can be synced. 

In this article:

Relevant to new boards only

Adding an integration column to the board

  1. Click the Add columns button on the grid.

    Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 11.09.11.png

  2. Select Integrations.

  3. Switch on the toggle for the configured Jira integration from the list and the Jira integration column will appear on the board.
    Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 11.12.50.png


Pushing Initiatives to Jira

  1. Click the Push button in the grid’s Jira integration column next to the initiative.

    Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 11.14.07.png

  2. In the Push Initiative to Jira dialog select the Jira project where you want to push the initiative and select the Jira issue type that should be created in Jira from the Productboard initiative.

    Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 11.16.08.png

  3. Click the Push button at the bottom of the modal window and the Jira issue type will be created and linked to the Productboard initiative.
    Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 11.23.23.png

Linking initiatives to parent issues

  1. Click the Push button in the grid’s Jira integration column next to the initiative.
    Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 11.14.07 (1).png

  2. Select the Link to existing issue tab.

    Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 11.45.16.png

  3. Enter the issue key, id, URL, or use the JQL search to find the linkable issue in Jira.

  4. Click on the Link button at the bottom of the modal window.

Syncing Productboard initiatives with Jira issues

Productboard initiatives are synced with the linked Jira issues. Though customizable field mapping is not available there are some default field mappings:

  • Jira issue summary to Productboard initiative name
  • Jira issue description to Productboard initiative description
  • Jira issue’s start date to Productboard initiative timeframe’s start date
  • Jira issue’s end date to Productboard initiative timeframe’s due date
  • Jira issue status to Productboard initiative status

Two-way syncing is available for Summary, Description, Start, and End date.

Status syncing only works in one direction: from Jira to Productboard. If the status is changed in Jira it will update the status in Productboard but not the other way around.

Status mapping is not yet available for initiatives but there are some default statuses mapped:

  • Jira "To Do" status is mapped to Productboard Upcoming initiative status
  • Jira "In Progress" status is mapped to Productboard In Progress initiative status
  • Jira "Done" status is mapped to Productboard Completed initiative status
Note: One-time import is not yet supported for initiatives.

See also

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