How can I edit my Productboard profile information?

Whether you are a Maker, Contributor, or Viewer in Productboard, you can edit and update your Productboard profile information. When editing your profile, you have the ability to update your avatar, name, username, email address, department, job title, and password for logging into Productboard.

In this article:

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

Editing your Avatar

In Productboard, you have the ability to update your Productboard Avatar. 

To update your avatar: 

  1. Click the Workspace menu in the top left corner and click on my account at the top of the list.
  2. On the User-1.svgAccount Info page, Hover over your current Avatar, click the outline_mode_black_24dp.pngedit icon, and select your new avatar. 

Editing your profile information

On the Account Info page, you can edit your Productboard profile information, such as your name, username, email address, department, and job title.

To update this information:

  1. Click the workspace menu in the top left corner and click on my account at the top of the list.
  2. On the User-1.svgAccount Info page, click the Edit profile button.
  3. Add your updated information in the relevant fields and click the Save changes button.

    Note: When you update your email address, the change will not be reflected in your account until you accept the update in the email sent to the new email address.

Creating a new password for your Productboard account

In your Productboard profile, you can create a new password for logging into your account. 

Note: The steps outlined in this article are intended for customers who use our native authentication and these steps are different from users who need to reset their password when they cannot log in.

To create a new password, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the workspace menu in the top left corner and click on my account at the top of the list.
  2. On the User-1.svgAccount Info page, click the Create password button.
  3. Enter your new password in the New and Repeat New fields and click the Create password button.

See also:

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