Share your roadmap by exporting to PNG and PDF

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Customers, prospects, and external stakeholders might request to have a more detailed look into your plans. This is why we recommend having approved customer-facing roadmaps to share with them.

Export your roadmaps to share them with external stakeholders or to freeze them for later comparison with how your work actually went. 

In this article: 

Relevant to Legacy boards only

How to export your roadmap

You'll find export options in the ••• More actions menu on any roadmap. You don't have to save your roadmap; either option will export your roadmap as it appears, meaning you can adjust filters, export the roadmap, then discard your changes to avoid disrupting the board for others. 

Print to PDF

Select Print from the ••• More actions menu to open your printer settings. Consider the following when printing:

  • You may have to change the destination to Save as PDF.
  • Change the layout from Portrait to Landscape.
  • Enable Background graphics to properly display certain roadmap elements. 
  • You may have to increase your paper size or decrease the image scale to fit the whole roadmap on one page. 


Embed in a Powerpoint

You can import PDFs into Powerpoint as objects, where they can be opened from within a presentation.

Note: Current technologies don't support exporting emojis. 😑 We regret to inform you that all emojis will need to be re-drawn by hand after roadmap printing.

Export your roadmap as an image

Export as PNG will export your current roadmap to a PNG image file. The download will start immediately and might take a few seconds based on the amount of data you will have on your roadmap.

Your exported image will include the date when it was exported in the footer so anyone viewing can tell how recent the roadmap export is.

If you're exporting a Features timeline, Releases timeline, or Objective timeline roadmap, you'll be asked to select a timeframe to export.

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