Getting started as a viewer in Productboard

Welcome to Productboard! Your organization’s product team uses Productboard to figure out what to build next and share that roadmap with you. As a viewer in Productboard, you get to see what features product managers are creating and when they plan to deliver them by viewing roadmaps. In Productboard you can gather more context about features by viewing feature details and adding comments directly on a feature for quick feedback to your colleagues.

In this article:

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

How do I know if I'm a viewer?

If you go to and sign in with your work email address, what happens? If you're taken to a screen that looks like the screenshots found later in this article, you're probably a viewer!

If instead you're asked to create a new workspace, that means you haven't been invited yet, which is something only an admin of your Productboard workspace can do. There is no way to make yourself a viewer on a workspace, so ask someone in Ops or Product if you think you should have access.

What can a viewer do in Productboard?

 As a viewer you can:

  • View timelines and columns boards that have been shared with you. 
  • View details about features appearing on timelines and columns boards.
  • Leave comments on features appearing on timelines and columns boards.
  • Review portals, if shared with you via public/private link.

What does Productboard look like for a viewer?

What you see when you log into your workspace for the first time will depend on whether any roadmaps have been shared with you.

If a maker hasn't yet shared any roadmaps with you, you'll see the following:


When a maker shares a roadmap with you, you will then see that roadmap.


Viewing features and leaving comments as a viewer

As a viewer, you will be able to view the details of features on a roadmap and comment on these features. 

To view a feature, click on the feature name on the roadmap, you will then see the Feature detail view which contains the key information you need to know about the feature such as the feature description and feature owner. 

Screenshot 2022-05-11 at 10.02.34.png

If you scroll down on the feature detail sidebar, you can find Fields and Comments.

  • In the Fields section, you can view segments, drivers, tasks, teams, and any custom fields your team may have created, such as which product team is working on that feature and who is the Dev Lead.
    Screenshot 2022-05-11 at 10.05.39.png
  • In the Comments section, you can view comments on features and add comments for quick feedback to your colleagues by "@" mentioning them.

Viewing portals

As a viewer, you can review company-wide portals or portals that are shared with you directly via a public or private link. Each card on a Portal represents a feature, and you can click on a card to add your own insights to that feature or view others' feedback. The Portal also allows you to submit your own brand new feature ideas to your product team for consideration.

To view portals, click the Portal-1.svg Portal icon on the left-hand side of Productboard. 

See also

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