Use emojis to restore the humanity in product planning

We have a little 🎁 for you. Emojis can now be used throughout productboard in text such as feature names 💡, strategic drivers ♖, customer feedback 📨, and comments 💬.

Why emojis?

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

We're all wired to perceive images faster than we can interpret text. It's far easier for the human eye to scan and find relevant information on the screen when an icon or emoji is used 👀. What's more, studies show that we're better at remembering details when they are represented as graphics 😑💭.

Emojis allow teams to personalize boards and have more fun with product planning – an inherently fun and creative process 💥🎉💡. So much meaning can get lost when communicating ideas digitally, especially when colleagues aren't co-located or don't share a common first language.

When emotion and humanity are restored to a digital environment, folks communicate more effectively, enjoy themselves more, and report more success in their collaborative work.

We think that's something to be celebrated. 😃🌈😃🎈



Mac: CTRL + + Space

Windows 10: how to use emojis

Windows 8: how to use emojis

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