Format text in Productboard descriptions

Enhanced formatting is now available for the description fields of notes, features, Portal cards, and the description field all other fields/column types. Basic markdown is supported as well.

In this article:

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

Formatting toolbar

  • Templates
  • Big headlines (h1)
  • Smaller headlines (h2)
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underline
  • Strikethrough
  • Inline code
  • Numbered list (with support for multiple levels)
  • Bullet point list (with support for multiple levels)
  • Hyperlink
  • Horizontal dividing line
  • Code block
  • Quoteblock
Note: To change the level of the numbered/bulleted list, use Tab or Shift + Tab


Keyboard shortcuts for text formatting

  • Big headlines h1:  (command + option + 1  |  control + alt + 1)
  • Smaller headlines h2:  (command + option + 2  |  control + alt + 2)
  • Bold:  (command + B |  control + B)
  • Italics:  (command + I  |  control + I)
  • Underline:  (command + U  |  control + U)
  • Strike-through: (command + option + X  |  control + alt + X)
  • Code block: (command + alt + shift + C | control + alt + shift + C)
  • Inline code: (command + shift + C | control + shift + C)
  • Hyperlink (command + K | control + K)
  • Horizontal dividing line (--- enter)
  • Quoteblock: (> space)

Inline images

Copy & paste images or image URLs directly into description fields! 🌅

Full-screen text view

Click on the expand icon (open_in_full_black_24dp.svg) at the top right corner of the text editor.

Preserved formatting when you copy & paste

Copying and pasting from the following apps will preserve the formatting in your Productboard description:

  • MS Word
  • MS Outlook
  • MS OneNote
  • Google Docs
  • Dropbox Paper
  • MacOS Mail
  • Gmail
  • Asana
  • Slack


Sometimes markdown is still the fastest way to format. Other times, you want to copy/paste text with markdown syntax already applied. Either way, we've got you covered.

Supported markdown:

  • Big headlines h1:   #
  • Smaller headlines h2:  ##
  • Bold:   **boldword** or __boldword__
  • Italic:   *italicword* or _italicword_
  • Strike-through:   ~~strickenword~~
  • Blockquote:   > 
  • Horizontal line:  --- 
  • Code block: `wrapped-with-back-ticks`
  • Inline code: ```wrapped-with-three-back-ticks```
  • Bullet point list item:  -
  • Numbered list item:  1.
  • Hyperlinks: [Click here] (

See also: Markdown Cheatsheet


Unsupported markdown:

  • Code blocks
  • Inline HTML
  • Embedded videos
  • Tables

Formatting in comments

While there is not yet a formatting toolbar available for authoring comments, you can use markdown.

One exception is horizontal divider lines --- which are not supported in comments.

Tip: Use shift + enter to linebreak in a comment.

Restoring previous version history

Note: At this time, version history is only available for feature descriptions.

Whoops - did you lose some important work? If something goes wrong, restoring a previous version of your feature description is easy.

  1. Click the icon to bring up your version history in the toolbar below your feature description.
  2. Select the version history you wish to restore.
  3. Click Restore this version.

When you restore a timestamped version, it remains in its original position in your history timeline, while a duplicate version is created and timestamped "Now."

Note that Productboard will not save content from a 3rd party integration, e.g., Jira, as a timestamped change.


  • Formatting is not yet supported in linked insights, as seen in a feature's details side pane.
  • It is not yet possible to include inline images within highlighted insights.
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