Export an audit log for your workspace

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Makers with admin access can request the generation of an audit log export that shows workspace events from the past 90 days.

Exporting your audit logs

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

  1. Make sure that you’re logged in to Productboard as a maker with admin access.

  2. Enter the following URL below into your browser with the name of your workspace inserted:
  3. Shortly after (typically less than 5 minutes), you’ll receive an email with a link to download the CSV containing the audit logs.

Optionally, you can limit the audit log’s size to expedite the export process and speed up your investigation. To do this, you can add certain commands to the end of your URL:

  • days_range - To export an audit log for just the past week you could use: ?days_range=7
  • action_name - To export an audit log with only certain actions, e.g. create, update or delete, use: ?action_name=delete
  • entity_type - To export an audit log with only certain entities, e.g. Feature, Objective, ColumnValue, …, use: ?entity_type=Feature
  • date_from - To export an audit log from a certain date (midnight), use: ?date_from=YYYY-MM-DD
  • date_to - To export an audit log to a certain date (23:59), use: ?date_to=YYYY-MM-DD
  • timezone - Dates are normally stored in UTC, if you want to specify your timezone, you can use: ?timezone=CET. Note: Most timezone abbreviations should be correctly recognized. In case of any issues, let us know.


For example, to export an audit log for just the past week you would add a single command like so:

  • Note the use of "?" when adding your first command to the URL.


Here's a longer example using multiple commands:

  • Note that, after the first command, you use "&" instead of "?" to add more commands.

Interpreting your audit log

The audit log is used primarily to explore actions that were carried out on a certain entity, by a certain user, or around a certain time.


  • entity_type – the type of entity an action was carried out on

  • action_time – the time an event took place

  • user_email – the user who carried out the action

  • action – denotes whether something was created, updated, or deleted

  • changes – provides more detail on the change that took place

  • entity_name – the name of the entity an action was carried out on

  • remote address – the IP address of the user who carried out the action

Additional fields including id, entity_id, user_id, and metadata are for use by a member of the productboard team to help you further diagnose something that may have taken place in your workspace.

Actions not included in the audit log:

  • Changing the order/position of columns on a view or roadmap.

  • Creating or updating note views.

  • Changing the order or saved views in the saved views list.

Note: When opening up the. CSV export in Excel, you may need to dictate the semicolon as the delimiter in your Excel settings in order to view the data. Select the first column, then go to Data → Text to Columns → Delimited → ✅ Semicolon → Finish.
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