Support your feature ideas with customer insights

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Whenever you receive user feedback about your product, Productboard lets you capture the most important takeaway from that feedback and link it to a relevant feature idea. You can link user feedback to related feature ideas from a note or add insights directly from an existing feature idea.

Having linked insights to feature ideas allows you to:

In this article:

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

How to review insights for a feature

Once you've linked feedback to a feature, component, or subfeature, you'll see the insight reflected on the Features board!

In a feature's details, you can see all of the user insights you've linked to it:

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How to submit direct feedback for a feature idea

You can also submit new insights about a particular feature from its Insights tab:

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This will create a new note but it will come in pre-linked to the entity it relates to.

AI search for relevant insights

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Whether you have a new or an existing feature idea, Productboard AI can help you identify related customer feedback and validate opportunities more effectively. Simply describe your feature, and Productboard AI will search for relevant insights across all your notes.

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How to use AI search for Insights:

  1. Click on the AI insights search button in the Insights tab.
  2. In the window that appears, describe your feature idea or what insights you are looking for and press Search.
  3. Review the search results and decide whether you’d like to add the results as insights to your feature idea or not. You can still click on the note title to review the original content if you need more details about a specific search result.
  4. Select one of these options:
    • Accept and link insights: This action will link the AI summary of the respective note as a direct insight to the feature with a preferred importance score. The overall Customer Importance Score for that feature idea won’t be updated until you accept one of the search results. Please note, that insights that have been linked to a feature through the AI search won’t be automatically marked as Processed.
    • Discard: This will remove the result from this and any further searches related to this specific feature idea.

Productboard uses AI to find similar feedback in both processed and unprocessed notes. Notes that have already been linked to a specific feature and archived notes are excluded from the search results. If you want to see only the direct insights, you can hide the search results by clicking the AI insights search button.

Tip: AI search for insights works similarly to search engines, so try to describe your ideas as if you are searching in your web browser. It looks for similarities between your description and the collected notes in your workspace.
  • Try to use specific words and avoid using generic language.
  • You may need to adjust your description a few times to increase the relevancy of the results. To adjust the description, click on the arrow button next to AI insights search.

See also

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