Create templates in description fields

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Templates help your team save time when creating new features, products, components, objectives, releases, companies, portal cards, insight notes... basically, any element with a description field. 


In this article:

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

How to create a new template

  1. Open an entity of the type you'd like to create a description template for.
  2. In the empty description field, click save time with a template.
  3. The template editor will open. Click Create new to begin writing a new template.
  4. Once the template is ready, click Create.

Selecting, editing, or deleting a template

When you click save time with a template in any empty description field to open the template editor, any templates you've already created for that element will appear in a list. (If you haven't created any templates, this window will be blank.)

From here you can:

  • Click on a template to add it into the description field of your selected element. 
  • Hover on a template and click Edit to make changes to that template. 
  • Hover on a template and click Delete to permanently remove that template from the list. 

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