How does the effort field work?

The effort field in Productboard is designed to be flexible, so it accepts any numerical value. However, the auto-suggested values that appear when you select the field are on the story point scale (similar to Fibonacci).

The effort field can be used in the following ways:

Displaying the effort field

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

To display the effort field on a features board or grid: 

  1. Click AddColumnButton.svg Add columns button.
  2. On the sidebar, click on Default fields.
  3. Toggle on the Effort field.

To display the effort field on most roadmaps: 

  1. Click the configure.svg Configure button on the top right of the roadmap.
  2. Choose the item type you’d like to add Effort to (timelines and columns boards only)
  3. Toggle on the Effort field.

See also

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