Use the Timeframe column to plan your features against time

V12 4:24 Start+.svg


Timeframe columns help you plan multiple features at the same time by giving you an overview of what the team has planned, and when things change, you can easily make edits to keep your plans up to date. Plus, timeframes you assign to features will automatically be populated when you use any timeline-based roadmap, making it simple to visualize your future plans. 

In this article:

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

Enabling the timeframe column on a grid or features board

  1. Click the AddColumnButton.svg Add columns button and select ••• Default fields.
  2. Toggle on timeframe.svg Timeframe.

Changing a feature's timeframe

You might already have timeframes assigned to your features if you used them to plan features on your roadmap. If this is the case, you'll already see the timeframe assigned to each feature when you enable the timeframe column.


If you haven't set a timeframe for features yet, you can do so by clicking on the timeframe value in the column and selecting a high-level or specific date.

  • Use high-level dates when you're planning features for broad time horizons: years, quarters, and months.
  • Use specific dates for more precise start- and end-dates.


Setting a time range as a value with high-level dates

When working with high-level dates, you might need to set a time range instead of a single time value.

To select a time range, select the start time and the end time. You'll see a highlighted range between the two values you set.


Tip: Start with high-level dates as soon as you have some idea of timing for the topics you plan to work on and narrow them down as you get more clarity. This will allow you to align with your stakeholders earlier and set the right expectations.

Clearing timeframe values

If you want to remove a time frame, you can do so by clicking the time frame value and then selecting Clear.svg Clear:


Filtering features by timeframe

You can use a filter to surface features with a timeframe value associated with them.

You can access the timeframe filter by following these steps:

  1. Click on filters.svg Filter.
  2. Select timeframe.svg Timeframe.

Using timeframe filters can help you answer questions like:

  • What have we released in the last quarter or month?
    • For this, you can set a timeframe filter with an End date only, selecting the option In this range. Here, you can select the last quarter or month you want to see.

  • What are you planning to work on in the next quarter or month? 
    • For this, you can set the Start date and End date using In this range and selecting the next quarter or month.

  • Which features haven't you planned yet?
    • Select Not set under Start and End date:

Sorting features by timeframe

Relevant to Legacy boards only

Once you set the time frames for the features you're planning, you can create a view to see the features sorted by the Start or End of the time frame.

To sort your features by the time frame, you need to ensure your features board is Grouped by: Sorted list.


To sort by timeframe:

  1. Click ••• More actions at the top of the timeframe column.
  2. Select the sorting option. You can choose to sort your feature by the time frame, Start or End date, and you can also decide if the sorting order (sort.svg) should be ascending or descending.


The sorting logic includes high-level and specific dates. The high-level dates will be placed at the top when sorting specific dates in ascending order.

For instance, if you're sorting three features with the following time frames:

  • Feature #1: planned for Aug 7, 2022  arrow.svg  Aug 15, 2022
  • Feature #2: planned for August
  • Feature #3: planned for Q3

If you select ascending order, you'll see them in this order from top to bottom:

  • Feature #3: planned for Q3
  • Feature #2: planned for August
  • Feature #1: planned for Aug 7, 2022  arrow.svg  Aug 15, 2022

Bulk assigning a timeframe to features

Relevant to Legacy boards only

You can bulk assign a timeframe if you're planning multiple features simultaneously.

  • Hover over a feature to display the checkbox.
  • Select the checkbox for all features you want to assign the time frame to. Shift-click to select multiples at once. 
  • Edit the Timeframe field in the sidebar. This will assign that timeframe to all selected features. 


Timeframes for other entities

Objectives and releases can also be assigned timeframes by editing those fields directly in the detail sidebar for each individual entity. Timeframes for these entities are only relevant on certain timeline-based roadmaps. 

See also

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