Create your own prioritization formulas on Legacy boards

V12 4:24 Pro+.svg


Formulas let you combine other data fields into a single number using flexible calculations that help you decide the most valuable feature to build next and sort your backlog based on that metric.

In this article:

Relevant to Legacy boards only

Creating formulas

  1. On any features board, click the AddColumnButton.svg Add columns button.
  2. Click on formulas.svg Formulas in the sidebar.
  3. Click Add Formula.
  4. Name your formula and add a description (optional).
  5. Insert fields and operators by typing them into the box or selecting them from the dropdown menu. Custom number fields are the most flexible options here, though others may be available.
  6. If the formula is valid, you'll see Formula is valid at the bottom of the dropdown.

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Adding and removing formula columns

You can find all the formulas you've created from AddColumnButton.svg Add columns > formulas.svg Formulas. Toggle the slider beside a formula to add or remove it from your board. 

When you add a formula column, all the fields which make up that formula will also be added as columns. When you remove a formula, its fields will remain on the board and must be toggled off individually by clicking their headers and toggling their sliders. 

Note: Formulas aggregate on the component and product level. Formula values from subfeatures do not aggregate to the feature level.

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Assigning values to formula fields

Once a formula and its fields are added to the board as columns, you can enter a numeric value for each field. The formula column will automatically update based on your inputs.


Sorting features and subfeatures by formula score

You can sort your board by formula value to see which items have the highest score.

  1. In the board's header, click Grouped by > Sorted list. 
  2. Hover near the top of the formula's column and click ••• More actions.
  3. You can sort the formula by clicking on Sort (_Sort.svg). You can also filter the board using this column's data from here. 

See also

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