Export insights to CSV

There's nothing like being able to send a customer a personalized message about a feature you've just shipped and how it will solve a need they have! Or maybe you're building an external report and need to pull insights data from Productboard.

Here's how to create a CSV containing insights data for every customer who has had feedback linked to a given feature.

In this article:

Relevant to Legacy boards only

Exporting feature insights to a CSV

  1. Click on a feature to open its details sidebar.
  2. Click on the ••• More actions button of the sidebar.
  3. Select Export insights from the dropdown. 

What gets exported?

Each row of the export has a column for the following data fields:

  • Company name
  • Company domain
  • User name
  • User email
  • Insight text
  • Insight importance
  • Insight source type (manual, Slack, Zendesk, etc.)

When you might notify users

You may decide to notify users at various points in time:

  • When a feature they care about is planned.
  • When you're seeking to conduct problem interviews to arrive at a better understanding of the underlying need behind a feature request they've sent you.
  • When you're seeking to test solution ideas by getting feedback on mockups, a prototype, or a beta version of a feature.
  • When you begin working on a feature and want to heighten anticipation of its imminent launch.
  • When a new feature is now available to use.

See also

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