Create a features timeline roadmap

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Plan and monitor delivery work across different teams or products in a single view. This visualization is ideal if you want to get a 1000-foot view of how work is progressing toward a deadline or milestone.


In this article:

Relevant to Legacy boards only

How to create a Features timeline roadmap

Create your roadmap

To create a roadmap, follow the below instructions: 

  1. Click the + button next to your teamspace or folder name.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Roadmap.
  3. Select Features timeline roadmap from the left menu.
  4. Click Choose roadmap.

Create a new roadmap for large spaces

If you have more than 100 features with a timeframe in your space, there is an additional step in the Roadmap creation. 2023-03-29_14-58-06.jpg

  1. Click on Add hierarchy filter and select the hierarchy items from which you want the features on the roadmap.
  2. Click on create roadmap.
  3. The roadmap is populated.

Add features to your roadmap


  1. When you create your timeline roadmap, any features with a date range assigned will automatically be added to your roadmap.
  2. To add an existing feature to your timeline, click into the appropriate section of your timeline, begin typing the name of your feature, and select it from the drop-down menu which appears.
  3. To create a new feature and add it to your timeline, click into the appropriate section of your timeline, type the name of your new feature, and click Create new.

Since features with assigned date ranges are automatically added to your timeline, you can add a feature to your roadmap by editing the Timeframe field in your feature view:


Add subfeatures to your roadmap

By default, subfeatures visualization is turned on in the roadmap settings. The roadmap will, by default, visualize subfeatures in time.2023-03-29_16-09-44.jpg

You can choose which entities you will work with in the roadmap by clicking Item type Item_type.svg in the roadmap header and selecting the entity from the drop-down menu. You can turn on/off secondary or tertiary items on all roadmaps. You will then see which items you are displaying in the header. 

Note: Subfeatures that don’t have a timeframe assigned to them will be displayed as a flatlist under a feature by default.


You can also turn off the duration visualization for subfeatures or switch to flat list visualization.

Note: If you choose end date visualization for features, it is not possible to turn on duration visualization for subfeatures.


Remove features from your roadmap


  1. Click on a feature to display the feature detail view.
  2. In the Timeframe field, click on either end of a time frame to open a calendar popup.
  3. Click Clear. As soon as at least one-half of the timeframe has been cleared, the feature will disappear from your roadmap.

Rearrange feature timeframe and order


  1. Drag and drop the ends of each feature card to adjust the start and stop dates of the timeframe field.
  2. Drag and drop feature cards to adjust the order in which they are displayed.
  3. Drag and drop a feature card to automatically update its timeframe field.
Note: Whenever you change the feature timeframe or release an email notification is sent to owners and/or followers when the option is enabled in Labs (Labs.svg).

Add milestones to your roadmap


  1. Click above the top of your roadmap to place a milestone. Adjust the date via the drop-down calendar field if necessary.
  2. When adjusting a feature's timeframe, a guideline will appear when the timeframe approaches a milestone.

How to zoom into your Features timeline roadmap

In the bottom right corner of any timeline roadmap, you will see -100%+ indicating the current level of granularity. Click the minus button to zoom out and click the plus button to zoom in.

If using a trackpad-enabled device, you can zoom in and out of a timeline roadmap by pinching.

How to organize your Features timeline roadmap


  1. Click Grouped by: in the top left to display Swimlanes to organize your roadmap horizontally.
  2. Click configure.svg Configure to open up the configuration menu.
  3. Select the Timeline Visualization if you need to adjust when your business quarters begin.
  4. Toggle Effort to display story points on each feature card.
  5. Click on the People section and select which avatar you want to visualize on each feature card - Owner, Teams, or Custom Member field.
  6. Toggle + Insights to display the + Insight icon on the feature cards. Clicking on this icon will enable contributors/makers to directly submit insight on the feature either on behalf of a user/company or space member.
  7. Toggle Comments to display the comment icon on the feature cards. Clicking on this comment icon will navigate any user to the feature comment section.
  8. essentials (1).svgToggle Objectives to display any objectives associated with that feature.
  9. Toggle Show subfeatures to display associated subfeature cards.
  10. Toggle Show hidden cards to display feature and subfeature cards that have been manually hidden from contributors.
  11. Toggle Allow submitting ideas to display the Submit idea button on the roadmap header. Clicking on this Submit idea will enable the user to create a new note either on behalf of the user/company or space member.

Add custom swimlanes


  1. Click Grouped by: in the top left to display Swimlanes.
  2. Select Customizable from the drop-down menu.
  3. Rename your default swimlane.
  4. Scroll down to click [+] to create another swimlane.
  5. Drag and drop features into the desired swimlane.

How to share and export your Features timeline roadmap

  1. Click Share to configure your roadmap-sharing settings.
  2. You can share the roadmap with other members of your team or share it publically by toggling on the Share publically setting.
  3. To print your roadmap click the Dots-1.svg next to the share button, and click Print.
  4. To export an image, Click Export to png from the dropdown list to generate a PNG of your roadmap. 

When to use a Features timeline roadmap

Features timeline roadmaps are good for:

  1. Planning with your product team: this view lets you align on dependencies, and allocate resources when and where they're needed.
  2. Showing the timeline of a feature separately from any timelines concerning larger releases or objectives.
  3. Aligning on very large or very small features, since you can display subfeatures.
  4. Tracking progress internally towards time-bound milestones.

Features timeline roadmaps might not be good for:

  • Sharing with large audiences or customer-facing teams - you don't want to commit your team to a specific release date too far in advance! Providing lots of information early on creates a lot of expectations for your team. Instead, consider a Now-next-later roadmap or a Kanban roadmap.
  • Discussing features that are bundled into releases. Since this view is very granular, it requires more maintenance. If your features are associated with releases, consider a Release timeline roadmap - changing a release's timeframe will dynamically update the timeframe for all of its associated features.

Learn more about using Features timeline roadmaps

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