Associate fields with products

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If you manage multiple products out of the same Productboard workspace, chances are that certain fields used for feature prioritization don’t relate to every product. To ensure each teammate can focus on the fields most relevant to them, makers can associate fields with specific products.

In this article:

Relevant to Legacy boards only

Field associations

Fields that can be associated with specific products:

  • Release groups
  • Drivers
  • Custom fields (including text, number, dropdown, workspace member)
  • Prioritization scores
  • Tasks (including those for Jira, Trello, Pivotal Tracker, and GitHub integrations)

Once a field has been associated with one or more products, it will only appear in the details sidebar for features within those products. (And features within other products won't be cluttered with irrelevant fields.)

And when you open field configurations, you’ll only see the fields associated with the products currently filtered onto your view.


Associating fields with products

Makers can associate fields with products from field details or product details.

Field details

When a new field is created, it will automatically be associated with all products visible on your board. You can then update these associations from the product/field detail sidebar.

For a given field (e.g. a particular driver), you can associate it with one or more products.


Product detail

When creating a new product, you can decide which fields to associate with it.


You can also associate fields with an exisiting product from that product's sidebar.

Note: Only makers with admin access can associate development tool integrations (Jira, Trello, Pivotal Tracker, Github). This can also be done from each integration's settings.


Disassociating fields and products

You can disassociate fields from products the same way you associated them in the first place—just click the Remove from product button. Disassociating a field from a product may hide data, but won’t delete it.


Associating fields when creating a new field

When a new field is created, it will automatically be associated with all products visible on your board. You can then update these associations from the product/field detail side pane.

Associating fields when creating a new product

When creating a new product, you can decide which fields to associate with it.


See also

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