Migrate Legacy boards to the New experience

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To help you transition smoothly to the New experience, we're working on an easy-to-use migration tool that lets you recreate your existing (Legacy) boards in the New experience in just a few seconds.

We're presenting information on this tool well in advance of its availability so you can get a sense of how the migration process will work and begin to plan accordingly.

In this article:

Relevant to both new and legacy boards


Our insights show that the average Productboard user has about five boards they regularly use. By giving you the ability to migrate your own boards, we hope to make the transition process time-efficient while offering a great opportunity to declutter your workspace by removing outdated boards.

This also means you'll have the flexibility to switch to the New experience at your own pace, on a board-by-board basis. To reduce stress, both the Legacy and New experiences will be useable side-by-side during the transition period.

For more information on timelines and the New experience in general, see The New Productboard experience: FAQ.

Note: This migration tool will completely convert most common board configurations, though some advanced configurations may require a few manual adjustments.

Step 1: Initiate the board migration process

Begin by opening an eligible board and clicking See new experience. To be able to migrate a board, you must be either a workspace admin or the owner of that board.

Eligible board types

Not all board types are compatible with the migration tool at this time. Boards which are ineligible will have to be rebuilt manually by creating an equivalent New board (grid, timeline, or columns board). 

These board types are currently eligible for migration:
  • Features boards grouped by Hierarchy or Sorted list
  • Timeline roadmaps based on features, releases, or objectives
  • Column roadmaps based on features, releases, or status
These board types are currently ineligible for migration:
  • Features boards grouped by Release or Status

Step 2: Clone the board to the New experience

Click Clone board. Depending on the Legacy board's type, this will create a new grid, timeline, or columns board with configurations that match as closely as possible to the original. This process does not affect any underlying data.

Note: To maintain a single source of truth, each Legacy board can only have one clone at a time. If you delete a cloned board, you can create a new clone from the original. 

Configuration maintenance details

The New experience strives for use-case parity (as opposed to feature parity) between Legacy and New boards. This means that there won't always be a perfect 1:1 equivalent of a given configuration option to match to during migration. Here's more information about certain mapping behaviors.

Board Name & Board Location

The New board will be located in the same teamspace and folder as the original. The original board's name will gain a “Legacy” suffix to help identify it.

Board sharing settings

All migrated boards will inherit sharing settings from their parent teamspace (the default option for new boards). You can manually adjust these settings after migration if needed.

Features board data columns

Columns displaying effort, User Impact Score (now known as Customer Importance Score), releases, timeframes, health, tags, owners, dependencies, integrations (Jira and ADO), and custom fields (member, single-select, multi-select, and rich text) will be mapped to the New experience. Other columns may need to be added manually.

Roadmap grouping (swimlanes)

Boards with "No grouping" or "Product hierarchy" grouping will be mapped to the New experience. Other grouping options will need to be added manually.

Product hierarchy grouping on Column roadmaps will map as follows: Primary grouping - Product; Secondary grouping - Bottom-level Component.

Additional Timeline and Column configurations

Since there are many possible configurations, we prioritized support for the most popular configurations first. Here's a list of those configurations that will be migrated at this time (and we'll expand this list as we continue work):

  • On column roadmaps:
    • Card attributes: Tags, Dependencies
  • Timeline roadmap
    • Card attributes: Tags, Dependencies
    • Time granularity: Month
    • Feature visualization: Duration
    • Subfeature visualization: Flat list

Step 3: Clean up the cloned board if necessary

After cloning, review the New board to make any final adjustments, as some configurations may require manual setup.

If you delete the cloned New board, the See new experience button on the original Legacy board will be reactivated, allowing you to restart the migration process if necessary.

Step 4: Direct people to the New Board and delete the Legacy Board

Welcome to the New experience! Now, you can direct users to the New board and eventually delete the original Legacy board to keep your workspace organized.

For users who still visit the Legacy board, we offer a quick link to the New board created during cloning.

Additional Limitations

These configurations are not currently supported by the New experience migration process:

  • Timeline roadmap milestones.
  • Order and position of items on the original board: The New experience uses a different ordering system, so positions may vary. Users can adjust positions on the cloned board as needed.
  • Unsaved versions of boards: Users must save the Legacy board before starting the cloning process.
  • Column sorting settings on the Features board: This will need to be manually applied by the user.
  • Public sharing: New boards can only be shared within a single workspace. Public sharing will be available soon.

See also

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