New changes to our Productboard integration for Slack

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In February 2021, we rolled out an update to our popular integration for Slack. Since our integration is so popular, we put together a quick explainer to answer questions you may have about these changes and help you unlock the new functionality right away. 

In this article:

Relevant to both new and legacy boards

Why is your integration for Slack changing?

  • Slack made changes to their Conversation API which require us to update our own integration if we want it to keep working!
  • These changes allow you to restrict Productboard's access to your Slack account. Our integration will only have access to channels in which it has been explicitly invited. 🔐
  • By updating our integration, we're able to unlock two long requested features: pushing messages from private channels, and pushing messages from private group chats.
  • Updating the integration will make it more stable and reduce bugs! 🐛

What new functionality will the integration have?

  • Users can now push individual messages and threaded replies from private channels.
  • Users can now push individual messages and threaded replies from private group chats.
Note: Messages pushed from private channels or private group chats will not include user info. They will be attributed to Anonymous in your Productboard inbox. Learn more here.

What do I need to do to update my integration?

  1. All organizations need to re-authorize the integration for Slack. This action must be completed by a Productboard admin who has authority to install apps in their Slack workspace.
  2. After re-authorization, users will need to invite the Slack app into channels they wish to push messages from. This action may be completed by any Slack user in your workspace. To invite Slack into a channel, type: 
  3. Select Add apps into this channel.
  4. Locate "Productboard" and select Add.
  5. Until Slack has been re-authorized and invited into a Slack channel, users won't be able to push messages into Productboard.

How long do I have to re-authorize my integration for Slack

Organizations have until February 24, 2021 to re-authorize their integration for Slack without any interruption. After that time, the old integration will stop working, and users will not be able to push messages into Productboard until the integration is re-authorized.

How do I re-authorize the integration for Slack?


  1. Double-check that you are a Productboard admin with permission to install apps in your Slack workspace.
  2. Click the workspace name in the top left, select Integrations, and scroll down to the integration for Slack.


  1. Click the caret to expand the list of configured integrations.
  2. Click on the name of your configured integration for Slack.


  1. Click Re-authorize to trigger a popup window from Slack.


  1. Click Allow
  2. Open up Slack and find a channel into which you wish to invite Productboard.
  3. Type the following:
  4. Select Add apps into this channel.
  5. Located "Productboard" and select Add.
Note: If the Productboard app has already been invited into a channel, you will see a View button instead of Add. You're all ready to begin pushing messages here!

I need help!

No worries, we're happy to assist you. Click here to reach out to our Support team.

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