# Map the following productboard headers to your data. Only the note_text header is required. More info: https://support.productboard.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056356534-Import-notes-from-a-spreadsheet note_title,note_text,person_name,person_email,company_name,company_domain,tags,owner_email "Phone call with Elon","I would send your product to Mars as an example of a great human achievement.",Elon Musk,elon@tesla.com,Tesla,tesla.com,"love,ui",colleague@yourcompany.com "Survey results from Tim","Your product is something I didn’t know I wanted. But now that I have it, I can't imagine my life without it.",Tim Cook,tim@apple.com,Apple,apple.com,love,you@yourcompany.com "User research with Julie","I wouldn’t usually recommend reinventing the wheel with new UI paradigms. But you really nailed it.",Julie Zhuo,julie@facebook.com,Facebook,facebook.com,"love,ui,ux",colleague@yourcompany.com "Feature request from Jony","Designing and developing anything of consequence is incredibly challenging. This product of yours is quite an achievement.",Jony Ive,jony@apple.com,Apple,apple.com,"love,testimonial",colleague@yourcompany.com